Roads and Maritime Services email phishing scam doing the rounds
Home 5 Blog 5 Roads and Maritime Services email phishing scam doing the rounds

Another week and another fake impersonation email is hitting Australian inboxes nationwide this week. Looks and feels just like the real thing but of course it isn’t. Let’s see what this scam email is all about.

Looking like a wolf in sheeps clothing, emails impersonating Roads and Maritime Services NSW have been doing the rounds this week but nobody should be too alarmed as the threat-level of this malware follows that of previous fake phishing email attempts.

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The well-formatted email mimics an “E-Toll Account Statement” which carries the branding of Roads and Maritime and pretty much the same content as an original would have. The email has a unique sender name for each email, and goes by the format [Name] E-Toll – an example being: Tom E-Toll or Susie E-Toll.

Courtesy of MailGuard - Email Phishing Scam - Roads and Maritime

Courtesy of MailGuard – Email Phishing Scam – Roads and Maritime

A few points which they have missed from the original email include:

  • The email isn’t addressed to the recipient themselves, instead it bares a generic greeting: “Dear Valued Customer”.
  • The email doesn’t have any personalised information whatsoever.
  • The email is signed off by “The E-Toll Team”

The link directs the recipient to download some form of malware – it isn’t clear as to what the file exactly is, could be anything from a virus to malware. But let’s safely assume its intention is to do more harm than good.

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What to do next?

Of course do not click on any links on the email. If you are expecting an email from Roads and Maritime Services regarding an E-Toll statement then it’s best if you contact them directly to confirm if any emails were sent by them to you. If you think you are in need of email security or IT solutions then get in touch with us.

IntelliTeK is one of the fastest growing IT service providers in Australia. We are always up to date with the latest threats to emails and IT security which is why we only partner with the best in the industry. If your company isn’t fully equipped to fend off cyber criminals, then get in touch with us so we can discuss your options. Call us on 1300 768 779, email us at, fill out the web form, or have a Live Chat with us below.

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