Managed IT Services 101 – 5 Advantages Of Cloud Backup
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Managed IT Services 101 - 5 Advantages Of Cloud Backup | IntelliTeK Sydney Australia

In light of recent cyber attacks, the spotlight is now on businesses to ensure that they have the right security in place to protect themselves on a daily basis from hackers who are using more and more sophisticated techniques to infiltrate business defences.

One huge component of cyber security is cloud backup. Often overlooked or under-utilised, cloud backup can prove to be the saving grace for any company. Let’s look at five advantages of cloud backup.


The more businesses grow, the more storage is required to backup data. Traditional methods (hard disks/tape) will definitely cost more and in general will not make much sense in terms of usage, management and overall cost.

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Cloud backup is a lot more sophisticated than traditional methods. As there will most likely be no moving parts from the users end, synchronisation will be easy and in the long-run cost little to nothing to maintain. Cloud backup allows for remote synchronisation which means an important business folder containing essential files will contain the most updated version of the files in Sydney as it will in New York, at the same time.

Recovery Time

Let’s say the worse happens, and your business falls victim to ransomware hackers. The number one knee-jerk reaction for a company’s IT department or managed IT services provider would be to recover the data. Doing that using cloud backup is a breeze and will often require a few clicks of a mouse. Using traditional methods on the other hand will require more effort and definitely a lot more time – something which most businesses don’t have especially if an attack occurs during operations.

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No Downtime

With traditional methods, a decision will need to be made to increase storage capacity or to move data from one storage capacity to another when necessary. With cloud backup the user will not have to worry about those decisions – should there be a need to increase storage, this can easily be done by contacting their service provider. The same goes for hardware upgrades. Eventually if you buy state of the art traditional methods of backup today, give it some time and you will most likely need to upgrade or replace them.


Ironically we end our list with security – data stored in the cloud has layers upon layers of digital security which guarantees the user with the utmost protection and privacy. Layers of security include, but not limited to, encryption, passwords and digital signatures. In the event of a natural disaster, there will always be ways to recover your data.

IntelliTeK is a managed IT services company in Sydney, Australia. With major vendor relationships and accreditation’s including WatchGuard, Microsoft, Trend Micro and Amazon Web Services, IntelliTeK have kept clients happy since 2007. 

IntelliTeK are always up to date with the latest cloud backup solutions which is why we only partner with the best in the industry. If your company isn’t fully equipped to fend off cyber criminals, then get in touch with us so we can discuss your options. Call us on 1300 768 779, email us at, fill out the web form, or have a Live Chat with us below.

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Ph: 1300 768 779